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  • Book Signing Available / Copias Firmadas Disponibles

Meet Jasdomin Santana

Wife, Mother, Author, Gamer & Bank Executive

Jasdomin Santana is a children's book author deeply connected to her Dominican heritage. Born in New York and now a Delaware resident, Jasdomin began writing to teach her American-born children about their cultural roots. Her stories, rich with Dominican traditions, foods, and values, are not just for her family but for all who wish to explore and understand the beauty of Dominican culture.

Jasdomin holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (received Magna Cum Laude), a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, and a Master of Science in Management with a minor in International Management—all achieved with top honors. She is also the proud holder of a patent for a one-of-a-kind video game controller and has received a research award from Pace University.

Married and a mother of two toddlers, Jasdomin is a bank executive by day. Her love for storytelling is rivaled only by her passion for video games. She is the founder of Gameress, a community for women gamers. Her work serves as a vibrant bridge between generations and cultures, inviting readers to explore the richness of Dominican culture.